top 10 most powerful leaders in the world 2022

What is the number of President of USA? Top 10 Most Powerful Leaders in the World

10. Pope francis

Pope Francis is not only the head of the Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, but also the spiritual leader of 1.2 billion Catholicism Christians spread in many parts of the world.And for this reason, he is considered as a very powerful leader.

People from all over the country come to take his blessings.

Pope Francis has assumed responsibilities as the head of the Catholicism Church.

He is also in the headlines because he is the first pope who is related to Latin America.

You can guess the importance of Pope Francis from the fact that on the occasion of his assuming office, 6 kings of the time, 31 heads of state and representatives of the governments of 132 countries were present every Sunday in the regular works of the pope.

It involves addressing and blessing devotees from all over.

9.kimjong un

Everyone is aware of the power of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. Kim doesn’t know what tricks do you keep on making your country stronger day by day.

Every day they launch different types of missiles to make their army more powerful.

However, because of these people also have to listen to the taunts. But still, after ignoring everything, he is just busy with his work, Kim remains in the discussion about the strange and poor rules in his country.

The crime rate in Kim’s country is also very low, that is because in North Korea the punishment of a person is given to his three generations.Kim has spread so much fear of the name in his country that not even a bird can come without his permission.

Kim’s name is known all over the world as a powerful person.

8.Emmanuel macron

French President Emmanuel Micron, 39, is the youngest leader ever.

He is known for taking part in everything. Micron is no less than any leader.Their vision is to make their country powerful and for this they constantly give their opinion in every matter abroad.

Now that thing is different that many times they are surrounded by their statements.

Talking about Micron’s life, he initially worked as an investment banker. Then he was also the Minister of Finance and Industry and after working as a member of the Socialist Party for a few years and after that as an independent, he is a supporter of his new party Micron European Union formed in 2016 somewhere.And want to bring economic reforms in France. Whatever it is now, but in the last few years, the strength of France seems to be increasing.

7.Mohhamad bin Salman al saud

Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud, popularly known as MBS in the world, is changing his very Rudibadi country.They are trying to make it modern, but at the same time they have also trapped Saudi Arabia in the war of peace.

If seen, it is quite powerful.And the decisions taken for them are enough to surprise people, but Mohammed bin Salman is the king of Saudi Arabia. He has seen many successes in his life.Earlier, he was also the governor of Saudi Arabia’s capital Riyaz for many years. Riyaz was once a dusty city with two lakh people. But today, under the supervision of Prince Salman, Riyaz has become a modern city full of glitter.You have about 5000000 people living here. What are your personal choices right now? It has nothing to do with it. But it is absolutely true that they are doing a lot of work for their country.

6.narendra Modi

If the name of the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi does not appear in this list, then this list will again be called incomplete. It is not a matter of everyone’s bus to travel from a chaiwala to the Prime Minister of India. Without any godfather, Narendra Modi has earned a name in this world today on the strength of his ability, faith and hard work.Narendra Modi is one of the most famous and popular leaders not only of India but of the world. You can gauge their power from the fact thatHe was the first non Congress prime minister of the country whose turnover is going on for so long. Narendra Modi should also show that work in his turnover, which till date has not been a matter of any leader, such as abrogation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, abruptly demonetization overnight and PM Modi by taking many big steps in the country and the world. Has shown proof of his boldness.

5.boris johnson

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s name is uncountable in a list.Boris Johnson has traveled from journalist parliament mayor and foreign minister to prime minister. His supporters say that he enjoys meeting people.And perhaps this is the secret of his charm, but behind it lies a sharp mind and hardworking person. But there is a sex that does not like to hear no. Boris Johnson, who was the Mayor of London, is also famous for his hairstyle.And it is seen everywhere in such scattered hair. Boris Johnson was born in New York and later settled in Britain. It was already said about him that he dreams of becoming the Prime Minister of Britain.And he proved this hesitation to be true. He is very fond of cycling. He had launched a bicycle rental scheme in London, which became very famous, after which those bicycles came to be called Boris bikes.

4.kamala harris

Indian-origin Kamala Harris is the Vice President of USA, she is not only the first woman to be sworn in as the Vice President of USA but she is also the first woman to reach the oath. This continues to be the reason of discussion among the people every day. But at the moment it became a part of the discussion when she got the third palace in the list of most powerful women of Forbes.Her name resonates all over the world as a powerful woman leader. Now whatever is the matter, but Harish is always famous for his statements and actions. Also, some time ago, Harris became the first woman in the USA who was given the President power for a short time. Actually this power was given during a health checkup of the jobident.

3.joe biden

joe biden USA is considered as a powerful country all over the world and in such a situation it is obvious that the president is powerful in himself and if the president is like joebiden then it is something else. Due to the day-to-day Biden statements and exploits, they remain a part of news headlines. USA has the freedom to take decisions in relation to the country and the world.Also, USA has full right to use nuclear bomb.We just want to tell you here that such a country in the world, in front of which good countries are also seen filling water.His president has all the powers in himself which is not hidden from anyone. Also, usa has the world’s most powerful large army team.This is the reason why any country is afraid to compete with usa. There are many such reasons that make the USA the most powerful and the President is also considered the most powerful person there.

2.vladimir putin

Who does not know Vladimir Putin in today’s time and has seen most of the war between Ukraine and Russia, since then this person’s name-bending attitude has been seen making hot topics all over the world.69-year-old Vladimir Putin is a black belt in the martial arts sport judo. Aggression and Claverness, two of the strengths of the game, are also reflected in its politics. Perhaps that is why the discussion of their strategy happens all over the world.Born on 7 October 1952, Putin is counted among Russia’s most popular and successful politicians. Tell him that before coming into politics, Putin had worked for the KGB, the intelligence agency of the USSR. They know very well which money to throw at them. Perhaps that is why in 2011, Putin got the embedment done in the constitution of Russia itself, after which the President’s turnover was increased from 4 years to 6 years.Apart from this, people give Putin as a world leader today and his actions also make him perfect to give this title.

1.xi jinping

All over the world, China is trying to make its dominance and if seen, China also emerges as a big power.But perhaps the reason for this is nothing but the President Xi Jinping here and we are saying this because he has been chosen as the most powerful leader not only in his country but in the whole world.Xi Jinping was born on 15 June 1953.At present it is the most popular and top leader of the country. Apart from being the President of China, he is also the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, Chairman of the Central Military Committee and Chairman of the Central Party Bridge. Also, Xi Jinping has made positive changes in China’s economy as well as many other areas during his rule.They have taken very important steps to stop corruption. Xi Jinping’s rank in China’s section of the Communist Party has been equated with China’s tallest leader, Mao Zedong. With this, part of his third turnover to become the President has also been opened. Now day by day the strength seems to be increasing even more.

top 10 most powerful leaders in the world 2022

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