aishwarya rai bachchan : people said not good looking in this outfit

aishwarya rai bachchan plenty trolled in social media platform. tell you that now for cannes film festival 2023 .

her aishwarya rai bachchan wear dramatic hooded gown for cannes film festival 2023. whom people said not good for this outfit for cannes film festival 2023.

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Cannes film festival 2023 date

aishwarya ray bachchan

tell you that these days for cannes film festival 2023 has been organised in cannes, france. who will be celebrated from 16 May to 27 May 2023.

many bollywood actress also red carpet showoff. and Artists from all over the world participate in this cannes film festival award 2023. and And everyone celebrates together in this.

And her cannes film festival award 2023 for ticket Price ranges from VIP is 6100$ (5 lakh) to 25000$ (25 lakh)

aishwarya ray bachchan

.in this cannes film festival award worldwide film maker unite and enjoy this luxurious place and hotels.Aishwarya rai bachchan red carpet showoff.

aishwarya ray bachchan

in this image cannes film festival award worn dramatic hooded people say something ” milind bhopatkar said ‘that proves she has no work! ‘ “neha Shrivastava said” aluminium foil..pathetic look’ and “cool keshav said” ‘ sometimes feels it’s done wantedly and where the aishwarya ray decision to accept or rejecting something’ and excetra. excetra….

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